Drop-In Volleyball Friday Nights in Niagara

$8 Drop In Volleyball – Register Here!

Drop-In Volleyball happens Friday Nights at Niagara Sport & Social Club!

When:  Friday Nights! 6pm – 11pm 

Price: $8

Where: Rex Stimers Arena (Hwy 406 & Geneva St.)  at 8 Gale Cres.  St. Catharines, ON

Skill levels will depend on all who shows up that night!  There are recreational level players and teams coming to practice along with intermediate to competitive level players.   Recently, overall there has been a large amount of intermediate / competitive level of play on Fridays.  This level has been achieved due to the commitment level of these players since their recreational level beginnings to continuously play and practice with Niagara Sport & Social Club.   If your looking for a great game of pick-up volleyball in Niagara – come join us Friday nights!

Games will rotate about every 10 minutes!

Friday Night All-You-Can-Play:

Is an idea inspired by our passion to help people in the region meet new people, have fun with friends, and get active. It’s all about some fun and relaxation, nothing serious. The games are a free for all: no refs, no limit to the number of games you can play, and certainly no limit on the fun either. That’s why it’s the perfect event for beginners who are just looking to get out, exercise, and socialize.  Players travel in from all around the Niagara, Hamilton, Buffalo, areas.  Occasionally players from Burlington, Kitchener, Waterloo, Toronto areas will join us as well on Friday nights!  NSSC is well-known for its volleyball throughout the Ontario volleyball community.

Skill levels range from beginners who’ve never seen a volleyball to battle-tested veterans, so be careful to look for the ringers! But like we said, it’s a relaxed, no pressure environment. If you get matched up against pros, just ask to mix the teams or tell them to take it easy on you. It’s all about enjoying the game and having a fun Friday night out.  Drop-in volleyball is meant to be fun for all – please play to the level of the players you play against in each game.  Everyone is learning and trying their best to improve their game!  Please be curious and respectful of others at all times.

So grab some friends or come solo and connect with a group of a friends you haven’t met yet, and join us every Friday from October through April (excluding winter holidays). We’ll see you this Friday night.